Royalty Free Images and Their Restrictions

Royalty free images can also be used for retail or personal use. Even for internal presentation, the image is copyrighted by the owner therefore there is a need to pay for the usage of the image. As mentioned above, commercial use is intended to promote, advertise, endorse and to sell. Its goal is to generate commercial gain. As for personal use, it means that it is not for commercial gain. Consider how the images will be used and will it lead to commercial gain.

Other than the prohibitions discussed the following restrictions to use royalty free images are the following:

  • Licensed images are non-transferrable or non-sub licensable. This means that images should not be shared with other consumers or users, or in a network, nor be given as a gift.
  • Royalty free images should not be sold or redistributed. Licensed images are integral part of the design and they cannot be sold as they are.
  • Royalty free images should not be used with explicit materials depicting nudity, violence, or sexual activity such as pornographic materials or adult related contents.
  • Royalty free licensed images should not be used in any defamatory or immorally questionable uses.
  • Licensed images should not be used as part of logos, trademarks or design mark since royalty free images are not copyrighted or trademarked through the purchase of the license. Since the image does not belong to the buyer, it should not be registered to a design that claims it is of the buyer’s.

These are the common prohibitions and restrictions on the usage of royalty free images. Each agency has its own unique set of terms and conditions. Other limitations may not be mentioned above so it is better that when buying an image licensing, make sure to read the terms and conditions.



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